How To Paint Bathroom Cabinets | Like a Pro | With Chalk Paint | Without Sanding | Without Primer | Without Removing Doors

Quick and Easy Guide to Painting Bathroom Cabinets Like a Pro

Without the high cost of a complete redesign, painting bathroom cabinets can quickly alter the appearance of your area. However, the procedure can appear intimidating, particularly if you wish to accomplish a polished finish without having to deal with door removal, priming, or sanding. Using chalk paint and methods that also work on non-wood or previously painted cabinets, we'll show you how to paint bathroom cabinets like a pro. Regardless of your level of experience with do-it-yourself projects, following our detailed instructions will enable you to produce impressive outcomes.

Why Choose Chalk Paint?

Chalk paint's ease of application and versatility have made it a popular choice for cabinets and furniture. This is why painting bathroom cabinets is a great use for it:

  • No Sanding Necessitated: One of chalk paint's greatest benefits is that it sticks nicely to most surfaces without requiring sanding.
  • No Need for Primer: You can save time and work by applying chalk paint straight to the surface in many cases.
  • Works with a Range of Materials: Any type of cabinet—MDF, laminate, or wood—can be elegantly painted over with chalk paint.
  • Matte texture: Chalk paint's matte texture gives bathroom cabinets a sleek, vintage appearance.

Preparing Your Bathroom Cabinets

Materials You'll Need

  • Chalk paint in your chosen colour
  • Paintbrushes (high-quality synthetic brushes recommended)
  • Painter's tape
  • Drop cloths or old sheets
  • Mild cleaner (like TSP or a vinegar solution)
  • Soft cloths
  • Topcoat or wax sealer
  • Screwdriver (for removing hardware)
  • Small containers or cups (for storing screws and hardware)

Step-by-Step Preparation

  • Clean the Cabinets: Make sure your cabinets are spotless before anything else. To get rid of any soap residue, grease, or grime, use a mild cleanser. This is an important step since paint adherence can be impacted by any dirt remaining on the surface.
  • Remove Hardware: Take out all of the hinges, knobs, and handles using a screwdriver. To ensure that everything is tracked, place them in containers with labels.
  • Protect Your Space: Cover the walls, countertops, and any other surfaces you don't want to paint using painter's tape and drop cloths or old sheets.
  • Check for Damage: Examine your cabinets for any dents, chips, or other damage. If required, use wood filler to plug any holes or cracks. Allow the wood filler to cure completely before lightly sanding the filled areas—this is the only sanding you may need to do.

  • Lightly Sand the Surface (Optional): Chalk paint sticks well even on shiny surfaces without the need for sanding, but it will stick better if you give the surface a light scuff. Go over the surface gently with a 220-grit fine-grit sandpaper.

Painting Your Bathroom Cabinets

Applying Chalk Paint

  • Stir the Paint: Open your can of chalk paint and thoroughly stir the paint. Because chalk paint tends to be thicker than ordinary paint, mix it thoroughly.
  • Start with a Light Coat: Apply the first coat of chalk paint in thin, smooth strokes using a premium synthetic brush. If the first coat of chalk paint appears splotchy, don't worry—many coats pile up beautifully.
  • Let It Dry: Give the initial coat time to fully dry. Although chalk paint usually dries rapidly, it's advisable to wait for at least one to two hours.
  • Apply Extra Coats: For complete coverage, apply a third coat of chalk paint if needed after the first one. Make sure that every coat is equal and thin, and that each layer dries fully before applying the next.

Painting Cabinets Without Removing Doors

If you'd rather not take off the cabinet doors, you can still accomplish a polished look with careful planning and application:

  • Use Painter's Tape: Gently cover the hinges and any other non-painted hardware with tape.
  • First, paint the doors: Paint the cabinet drawers and doors first. This enables you to concentrate on the cabinetry's apparent components first.
  • Be Patient: Take your time to make sure the paint doesn't drip into the hardware or other surfaces and that the edges are neat.

Special Considerations for Cabinets That Are Not Wood

Chalk paint is still a great option for cabinets constructed of laminate, MDF, or other non-wood materials. Here's how these surfaces should be handled:

  • Make Sure It's Cleaned Correctly: Non-wood surfaces are more likely to accumulate grease and be slippery. Before painting, make sure these surfaces are completely clean.
  • Test a Small Area: To guarantee adequate adherence, test the chalk paint on a small, discrete area before painting the entire surface.
  • Apply Thin Coats: To prevent drips and guarantee a smooth finish, apply the paint in thin, even coats.

Finishing Touches

It's crucial to seal your freshly painted cabinets to keep moisture and damage off of them. Two choices are available to you:

  • Wax Sealer: Wax is simple to apply and provides a smooth, silky surface. Apply a thin coat of wax and work it into the surface using a soft cloth or a wax brush. Wipe it with a fresh cloth to make it shiny. For protection, wax may need to be reapplied regularly.
  • Polyurethane Topcoat: Use a polyurethane topcoat for a more resilient surface, particularly in a high-moisture area like a bathroom. Select a water-based polymer for a non-yellowing, clear finish. Using a synthetic brush, apply thin, even layers; let each coat dry fully before applying the next.

Reinstalling Hardware

After the paint and topcoat have dried fully, replace the hardware:

  • Attach the Hardware: Reattach all knobs, handles, and hinges to the hardware. Now is the ideal moment to install new hardware if you're updating it for an even more altered appearance.
  • Check for Touch-Ups: Examine your cabinets for any potential touch-ups after reattaching the hardware. Patch any areas where paint may have chipped or missed with a tiny brush.

Maintenance Tips

To maintain the brand-new appearance of your painted bathroom cabinets:

  • Frequent Cleaning: To keep dirt and dust from building up, wipe down the cabinets frequently using a moist cloth. Steer clear of abrasive cleaners and strong chemicals.
  • Reapply Wax (if Used): To keep the protective layer intact, reapply wax every six months to a year if you choose to have a wax finish.
  • Steer clear of Excessive Moisture: Even though chalk paint is resilient, too much moisture can still harm the coating. To lower the humidity in your bathroom, use ventilation.

In summary

It's still possible to paint your bathroom cabinets like a pro without priming, sanding or taking off the doors. Chalk paint makes things easier by offering superb coverage and a lovely sheen on a variety of surfaces, even non-wood or previously painted ones. With little work and expense, you can give your bathroom a makeover that will seem polished for years by following the instructions in this tutorial. 


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